Power Supply System for Level Crossing

The level crossing power supply system is an energy station able to generate a DC voltage. The power supply system guarantees the continuity of the level crossing operation even in case of a main supply failure, through the use of battery packs.

The system is composed of several modules managed in N+K redundancy. The failure of a single module does not affect the continuity of power supply and battery recharging. In this way it is possible to achieve a higher availability without using a common redundancy architecture which increases twice power and dimension of the whole system.

The provided touch screen display allows local configuration and diagnostic monitoring of the system. It is possible to send diagnostic information to a centralized remote system through LAN communication interface or relay contacts.

The level crossing power supply requires an input connection to a Three Phase 400Vac/50Hz, used to supply energy for battery packs and the other several modules, depending on the different available configurations. By default, the system provides as output 144VDC and 230/150VAC, optionally 48VDC and 24VDC.


The system is expandable. In addition to the current expected output voltages 144 VDC and 230/150 VAC, redundant modules can be added to provide additional no-break output 24 VDC, 48 VDC, etc.


Local self-diagnostic using a touch screen display and centralized self-diagnostics using RFI IS001 protocol or relay contacts.


Configurability by the customer.


N + K redundancy system.


Minimization of maintenance through a modular architecture so that the failure of a single module does not affect the continuity of power supply or battery charging.