“The best way to predict the future is to invent it”.
Alan Kay
We turn a simple idea into a fruit that bears great technological progress.
Marini Impianti Industriali has been operating for over twenty years designing and building high-tech industrial installations. Our story be- gins with the creation of products and systems for railway applications, expanding over the years, bringing us today to be a leading Europe- an company in the production of electronic and automation systems, suitable for railway, in- dustrial, civilian and military environments. We employ the latest technology and production processes, but above all are directly involved on a daily basis expressing our passion.
“Speed is the form of ecstasy that the technological revolution has given to man”
Milan Kundera

Our added value is the aptitude to innovate made possible by highly qualified personnel, able to face new challenges every day.

We gather the customer’s needs, and trans- form them into a product, making use of our “know-how” acquired through years of design.

Marini Impianti Industriali has an expressly- trained staff, ready to provide after sales serv- ice and maintenance on all products build, for the entire life cycle of the product.

Marini Impianti Industriali has been operating for over twenty years designing and building high-tech industrial installations. Our story be- gins with the creation of products and systems for railway applications.
To continue its path of continuous improvement and to increase its commitment to pursuing customer satisfaction, in 2020 Marini Impianti Industriali S.p.A. achieved another prestigious milestone: the certification of its Quality Management System in accordance with the UNI EN 9100:2018 standard, which defines and specifies additional requirements, definitions and notes for the aviation, space and defense industry.

We are pleased to announce that Marini Impianti Industriali S.p.A. has equipped itself with a dedicated platform for reporting
Marini Impianti Industriali is proud to count among its clients many important international industrial companies.


+39 06 96 87 10 88

Via Antonio Chiarucci,
1 04012 Cisterna Di Latina (LT)

+39 06 96 87 10 88